Sunday, March 6, 2011

Quick post- we made it

Apologies for being silent! I have two blog Posts I did that are on my blackberry which is not working here in Haiti so I'm very sorry, but I'll have to skip those two posts till I return home. They include our landing from ATL to Miami and our night in Miami which turned out very interesting and my blog post I did while in he plane from Miami to Haiti! I'm sorry, hope you understand!

We finally arrived in Port Au Prince,Haiti. Gosh it is and isn't what I expected all at the same time if that even makes sense?! I think I have missed Africa so much hat I'm comparing similarities to it. Anyway, my flight landed around 9:45am which was so early because we had gotten maybe two or three hours of sleep. Let's just say it's been a long journey since we left the boro:) but in a good way! Katies flight was arriving an hour before and I knew when I landed I would be meeting her and Nathan. The one thing I was told after landing was to not go past the red gate, that's all. HAHa not all apparently the rules have changed since the last time Riley was here and you had to go past the gate to get to where people pick you up! Luckily, I found an official airport man and his help, shortly after I found Katie and Nathan!
The airport was crazy but not so much because of the people but because of the cars. People were honking and rising to get where they needed to be. It was interesting but a good experience. After finally getting abbey and Riley we headed to the HOM head building. To make a long story short we arrived safely!

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