Saturday, March 5, 2011

Haiti Bound

Sorry about spelling...I'm at the airport and I'm blogging from my BlackBerry

"God works in mysterious ways"
I never could have imagined I would be where I am right now, the ATL airport, with a final destination being HAITI! Here's how I got here in a nut shell... Originally I had no plans for Spring break. One Sunday at Church they announced their upcomming spring break trip to La Repressa Dominican Republic! I began praying about making the decision to apply. I really love working Internationally so I got an application as soon as I could. I had been praying for weeks about my sb plans and still felt uneasy. In the meantime one of my roommates Abbey Caroline made plans to go with our friend Riley Vasquez to the Dominican Republic! Riley is a friend of ours from New Vision church! Last year his best friend Nathan Lee dedicated a year of his life to working with an organization called Haitian Outreach Ministries(HOM). Riley does a lot of pictures and Videos and has visited Nathan a few times in Haiti since then to visit and help create some videos! It sounded like an amazing experience to serve for a week! Shortly after my friend Katie Spencer joined Riley and Abbey's team to travel to Haiti! Well, one night abbey and I had spent in the Library we went to meet up with some friends at Chilis. One being Riley who mentioned I should come to Haiti. After some thought, Prayer, and help from my parents I got my ticket!!! Back to the Dominican...I talked to Brian the college pastor and decided the time was not right for me:( but God opened another door!

So here we are! We are now sitting in the Atl airport waiting for our flight to Miami! I am so excited and cannot wait to serve the people of HOM and Haiti! God is so amazing and though it doesn't always work the way we think it should or want Gods always in control and HIS plan is greater:) Praise Him!

So this is post one from ATL:) ill keep yall updated!

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