Sunday, March 6, 2011

Haiti day1

I feel like my postings have been very informative yet lacking in depth. I believe this is because I am tying to blog for myself and others and I do it so quickly. I'm sure the lack of sleep doesn't help either! I will try to be both for y'all from now on!

Today was my first day stepping foot into Haiti. So many hints reminded me of my beloved Africa, but I seem to have lost the words that could correctly and descriptively describe what my eyes are seeing! There are also many differences which is what makes each place so special.

My first drive through Haiti was today heading to HOM properties. There was a distinct smell in the air of a third world country struck by a horrible catastrophe. It was like tent city in numerous places and when I say tent city I mean it. Numerous make shift houses made from tents held to many families. You could see the damage and poverty still hanging on so tightly in so many places. It broke my heart. I wonder why am I so blessed, why me!? But I can see the joy in the Haitians eyes and their blessing overflowing. The streets are horribly erodeded and full of garbage. At one point while we were driving to HOM in the tap tap(transportation vehicle) we slowed down to drive through a very flooded area in the road where the water was a very dirty color and there was the distinct smell of bile. We also passed a small concrete area where boys girls women and children where bathing with buckets of water. It makes me think about the long hot showers I take for granted or the wasted amounts of water I use every week. I am so thankful for what God has blessed me with in the States but here is so much more to this world than living in the known!

After lunch we visited the new orphanage HOM just built. It's so precious, definantly a work in progress but it's beautiful. The orphanage has only three girls right now that lost their parents in the catastrophe. For thos who don't know I was adopted, so I have a heart for adoptions. I hope to someday adopt many of my own:) if God wills.

Tonight we relaxed and became somewhat accustomed to the facility. It was so much fun siting around just talking and sharing our stories. How HOM is set up is very's a compound with a church in front and a school in the back wig first, second, and some third floor classrooms! Dorms for staff and visitors and on the second floor for girls and third for staff. Now I will upload a picture tomorrow of this but he kitchen is on the roof which is amazing! It one of the tallest building in his area so you can see for miles looking out as far as he surrounding mountains! At dinner we all sat around a table and ate together as he church choir sang in the background, it was so beautiful. They rejoiced together in a harmony of singing, clapping, and dancing! It was amazing.

Nathan lee has done such amazing things for this organization!!! Here are also other volunteer that have contributed so much as well. So I leave you wiu this... What are you doing wig your life?

I want this. This is me. Serving others even if it means I myself may have nothing, isn't it worth it? I will change the world and I'm starting now!

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