Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sorry mom and dad

Last post tonight...
Mom and Dad I love y'all dearly! Sadly my BB isn't working even to text! I know what your thinking, me NOT texting:)haha, I'll continue to update this and email. Pray for us that the lords work maybe done through us his week and all the weeks to follow! Love y'all! It's 9:12 pm and abbey is on my left asleep and Katie on my right asleep. So here I lay in my bunk blogging away on my first night in Haiti! if you want to know our room is a good size. It's filled with about 9 bunk beds. Each with a huge blow up matress, mosquito net and built in fan! It's SO Hot here:) it's perfect! Tomorrow morning we are finishing a roof on a families house then walking in the city where there is a carnival going on. It's apparently a special holiday/ celebration lasting like four days! I'll blog y'all tomorrow!

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