Monday, May 23, 2011

its been a while...

well folks, its ben a while since i logged on and posted something. Sorry for my brief absence. Today when i got off work i visited my travel agent at AAA to discuss going back to Africa<3<3<3 its hard to believe it was last summer at this time i was departing on an adventure that would truly change my heart. I have been praying for months about my possible return and i still feel Gods calling to GOGOGO!!! I have never wanted something so bad. I have this deep yearning passion in the depths of my heart calling me back to Africa. If i dont try then my heart will surely break from one of my biggest failures. i ask that all who read my blog or find this post to be in prayer for me. I really need it right now. I need to raise about 2,000 dollars to return....thats all!!! Please Pray for me.

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