Thursday, March 10, 2011

Every day that your in a third world cointry you realize just how much you have. You start to become more grateful for the small things and the big things seem so small. Last night as I laid in bed I wondered what my life would be like if I had grown up here...who I would be...etc. Very quickly I became thankful for having even a simple fan above my head. I am so lucky to be living in the USA. To be given the opportunities I have been given and to have the family I have. I love my home and I have been called to do so much more with my life. Haiti is so beautiful, but as I pray here during my quiet times it makes me realize how much I love Afirica. I have been called to serve internationally this I have known since I was young:) but I truly believe now my calling is Tanzania. I miss everything about it so very much. It makes me laugh how much I do! My mom and dad will always be my number two in my life under God of course, but oh how myheart yearns to return to the polluted loud eroded streets of Arusha!!!

Enough of that:)...
After this mornings work for Souls4Souls we had lunch at HOM them decided to go into the city. We saw what was left of the once beautiful cathedral and Capitol buildig(the white house here). Words cannot begin to describe why our eyes saw. We also walked through one of the tent cities. I gnaw some pictures Please pray for thembut am going to refrain for now.

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