Wednesday, August 10, 2011

hearts crying

from time to time i have to remind myself just how lucky i am. My heart aches and my knees quiver at the thought of how selfish and self centered i have become lately. i pray relentlessly for my brothers and sisters hurting not only in the states but around the world.

How could God have given me such passion with no idea how to use it..... im barley content with reading a book without thinking who i want to save next.

How does one person save the world?
How can i? im just me........

the passion which burns so deeply in me only gets stronger as the days go by. My head churns with all the things i know i want to do in the world. i cannot deny the heart of humility God has placed inside this sinful chest. my discontentment grows greater as i settle into my lifestyle of an American with everything i need and so much more.

How do i explain this burning passion to serve?
i wish my family could feel my fearless trust in the Lord to leave all i know for all i want........

take this selfish heart oh God. i yearn to be more like you. i deny myself and all i know for just a glimpse   of hope...a spec of heart has set fire to a world not like this.

What can i do?
What do i do?

your children cry out in starvation and i play on facebook as i watch the world pass by their ipads, lattes, and new clothes. maybe just maybe stopping for a brief moment as they pass the magazine stand or the recently printed paper with the latest reports of the Somalian famine.......The rising communicable disease rates.....the lack of education.......the lack of this selfish world............

what do i do with this burning heart of compassion.....
i need to strip myself of this baggage and free my soul. i need to run barefoot in the open plains of africa......
i need to go.

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