Friday, November 5, 2010

Hakuna Matata

i figured i had such a long lonely flight to Africa, i would make Swahili flash cards to study and to also pass the time. This was my favorite. I took this picture shortly after leaving my praents at the airport, to travel to another continent..... alone.... to meet people i knew nothing about, and to a place i couldn't imagine.

"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game"
              -Cinderella Story

no matter how scared you are in life, reach for the highest stars. Don't let anything hold you back. This was the scariest, craziest, most amazing thing i have ever done with my life. I was so humbled by every moment i spent in Africa. I wouldn't want you to miss out on an opportunity like this because of fear.


this is my host family i stayed with for a little over three months while in Arusha, Tanzania<3

this is the family:) plus Oscar who like another brother



my oldest Dada Beatris

my BROSKIES, Iman on my right and Eddy on my left

My younger Dada Tuma<3

Our house girl Funny, who was like another Dada:)

Happy BELATED Birthday Iman!!!

So, this past saturday which was October 30th, was my Brother Imans 18th Birthday!!! I know it was a special day for him and i wish i could have been there to celebrate with him! He has recently finished all his exams and had his graduation celebration. i am so very proud of him!

Iman is my younger African brother. He will always have a special place in my heart. I remember the first day i had to find my way back home in Arusha was the scariest thing EVER! The public transportation is obviously not like what we have here in America. You have the same ole taxis, motor bikes(motorcycles), and bicycles.......but you also have Dala Dalas! Dalas are like what we would think of small mini vans. They are about 200TSH each way. Each Dala has a color on its side and depending on where your going is what Dala you ride. It was very important to learn the road names and neighborhood stop name very quickly. Anyway, my first day living with my African Host family was amazing, but of course i had to go to work. Iman walked with me to the Dala stand and even road with me to work where we actually had to get off the Dala we were on and get on another to reach my work. For the first few times my Mama paid for our transportation b/c i had no clue what was going on with the money. See in Arusha(most places in east Africa) people pay with shillings(TSH). Its about 1400TSH for every dollar. So i was still lost at this point and besides this was still the first week i had been in africa. Well we made it to work and he gave me a paper that had the route names on how i should go to get back home, i was all set. After work that day we all decided to get some drinks and relax.

     This lasted a good two hours probably and then we were on our way. LOOOONG Story, but it ended up starting to get dark and i couldn't remember where to go! As a white person you shouldn't be out at dark so i decided to go home with my friend Carrie and call Iman. It was so scary, haha even though the only thing i was really scared of was being lost:) We finally reached Carries house which was right off the main road. Her Mama immediately called my brother and quickly hung up letting me know he was on his way! HAHA, i felt so bad but he arrived shortly. Thats a silly story but only one of the numerous stories i have abut my brother iman. I hope throughout this blog you begin to see him for who he is and fall in love with him as i did.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

i have been back from Africa for almost two months now and the whole in my chest has only gotten bigger with the passing time...tonight i finished my homework only to listen to the CD my (african) brother Eddy made me for times just like these. i have also been trying to re-vamp my blog and have been searching for the right host. i think blogger just might be it:) so, here i will share my journey and heart from the very beginning and a few random ones in between.