Thursday, June 16, 2011

still hopeful

I couldn't sleep well last night so at 6am this morning i went ahead and got up, got some coffee, and came to hastings. i had an awesome quiet time this morning and then finished my africa "help" letter while listening to the CD my brother Eddie made me. Time is flying, but i have not given up hope. I know that is where i should be so i will not give up. I miss my family and everything about that place so terribly much. my younglife girls just graduated and i am a soon to be graduate myself so there is this emptiness that plagues me so. I have been praying for months now for something, but i fear God wants me to sit in this until i have learned whatever it is he is trying to teach me....bitter sweet, but more sweet bc i know in the end it will be beautiful!
ill upload a copy of my letter .....donations are greatly appreciated:)