Friday, January 14, 2011

going back-the plan

since my return, i have dreamed of going back to Africa. I have a sense of emptiness where i left my heart and cant get it back because it will always remain there. I have been seeking the Lords provision in my decisions of going back and he has begun to open numerous doors. Last week while i was volunteering for YoungLife in Jasper GA i received an email from my good friend Carrie(we met in Arusha this summer and worked together at wia) telling me the Mama Mosha, the head of Women In Action wants us to return and invited us to stay in the apartment located at WIA. This means i will have a place to stay with a mama to cook us food:) What a blessing. Of course i have my african family that i love dearly, but i would hate to impose on them once again. Now the only thing holding me back is the plane ticket. the total is almost 1,800.00 roundtrip. Last year i spent a great deal of time in prayer about putting together a fundraiser in the town where i live, but it never happened. This time it will. My plan right now is to hold a fundraiser either at the end of Feb. or the end of March. I am going to get local artists i know to play acoustic, get dontated food, or even have all my friends cook hot dogs hamburgers and have a bbq or something. I plan on making tshirts for my cause as well as ordering jewlery and hiv/aids pins from WIA in africe for people to purchase. I plane on putting together a slide show of everything i did in africa and information and well as speaking! This is completely a rough draft and my grammar is horrible, but as i prayed this morning i felt god calling me into action. please pray for these next few weeks of planning and craziness. We will see where God leads!